
Readings for February 9 - The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany

We will be worshipping the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany at 10:00 AM with the service being led by the Rev. Linda McConnell. 


Complete Readings Found Here

This Sunday's Bulletin Found Here

This Week's Bible Study

This Bible study is part of a series produced by the Office of Global Partnerships of The Episcopal Church.

The readings for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany guide us through moments of awe, confession, and transformative grace, inviting us to encounter God’s glory and respond to his call. Find discussion questions at the end of this Bible study.

Isaiah 6:1-8

Isaiah is overwhelmed by the majesty of God. The seraphim’s cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory,” reveals the unmatched holiness of God. Confronted with God’s splendor, Isaiah is painfully aware of his sinfulness, exclaiming, “Woe is me! I am lost.” Yet God does not leave him in despair. The seraph cleanses him with a live coal, a powerful symbol of forgiveness and purification. Set free from guilt, Isaiah responds eagerly to God’s call: “Here am I; send me!”

Isaiah reminds me of our own lives, especially those moments when we feel unworthy in the face of God’s holiness. However, through Christ, we are encouraged that our sins are blotted out, freeing us to embrace our calling as messengers of his love. We cannot encounter the holy God and remain the same.

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Paul’s life is a true testimony to the power of God’s grace to redeem and repurpose. Although once a persecutor of the church, Paul humbly declares, “By the grace of God I am what I am.”

Paul’s story not only confirms that Christ’s death and resurrection bring salvation to all who believe but also invites us to reflect on the ways God’s grace has worked in our lives, shaping us to bear witness to the Good News.

Luke 5:1-11

Simon Peter’s encounter with Jesus mirrors Isaiah’s experience. After witnessing the miraculous catch of fish, Peter falls at Jesus’ feet, acknowledging his sinfulness: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” But Jesus, embodying the grace of God, reassures him: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” Peter, along with James and John, leaves everything to follow Jesus.

There is a parallel between Peter’s call and that of Isaiah above. Someone once said, “God does not call the qualified, but qualifies those that he calls.” This gives me the encouragement that, although I am an ordinary, flawed individual, God can use me to do extraordinary missions. Like Peter, we are not called because of our worthiness but because of God’s transformative grace.

Both Isaiah’s purification and Peter’s commissioning show how God liberates his people from sin and fear, calling us into a new life of purpose and joy. These readings remind us that God’s glory, forgiveness, and grace are not distant ideals but transformative realities. Will we, like Isaiah, say “Here am I; send me,”or like Peter and Paul, leave behind what holds us back and wholeheartedly follow Christ?

Discussion Questions

  • How does God’s grace free you to respond to his call?
  • In what ways can you, like Peter, become a “fisher of people” in your daily life?
  • How do the holiness and love of God inspire both awe and action in you?

The Rev. Shadrack Owuor was born in Kakamega County of western Kenya. He grew up in a large Christian family, the eleventh of twelve children. His father, a retired Anglican minister, and mother, a primary school teacher, instilled in him a deep love for God. Shadrack’s call to ministry began in high school, where he served in Christian Union fellowship leadership, and was strengthened when he joined youth leadership teams in his diocese, culminating in his ordination as a transitional deacon in 2008 and as a priest in 2012. Shadrack has served in pastoral and teaching roles across East Africa, including his home diocese of Butere, Uganda Martyrs Seminary in Namugongo-Uganda, and Carlile College in Nairobi. He served as director of the African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research (AICMAR) in Kenya and as a chaplain resident at Covenant Healthcare in Saginaw, Michigan. His academic achievements include a Master of Sacred Theology from Trinity School for Ministry, a Master of Arts in Theology, and a Bachelor of Divinity from Uganda Christian University. He is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Bexley Seabury Seminary. Shadrack is married to his wife, Acclyne, and together they remain dedicated to serving God’s people. He is the rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Port Huron Michigan, in the newly formed Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes.

Organ Fundraiser



We are embarking on a program to enrich the lives of our congregation and friends through the beauty of a (new to us!) used Allen Organ. Our current instrument has ceased functioning and needs to be replaced. This instrument will greatly enhance our music program and add to our worship experience. All members and friends are invited to participate in this worthy and lasting project. Please prayerfully consider the amount of your gift, either as a pledge over the coming months or as a one-time gift. Examples of ways to give will be added in the next few weeks to help you as you thoughtfully consider how you can help. We need to raise $15,000.00 which is an extremely reasonable price for the instrument we are getting. We are counting on you to make this project a success! If you have any questions, please call or email me, Ray Hickman, 510-876-6678 and to speak with me regarding ways to make your gift to the organ fund. More details will be provided has we begin this journey, and I am always available before and after church should you have any questions.

- Ray Hickman



The organ has been delivered this week from Oakland, and we hope to have it installed in time for Ray's return! We can't wait to hear some beautiful organ music again!

Request for Shopping Assistance

We have a nearby Community Member who needs help shopping each week. If you are interested/available to help out please contact Nova in the Church office.

Stewardship 2025

If you have completed your pledge card for 2025, please return it this Sunday. Please discern over the next few weeks what St. Francis means to you and what you can afford to contribute towards maintaining our work and ministry in the coming year. Every dollar helps and is greatly appreciated!

For those that had automatic payments set up in 2024, please log in to Breeze and update the fund to "Pledge 2025". This will help our accounting team keep funds allocated properly. Thank you!

Sacred Ground Regional Gathering 2025



Photos submitted by the Rev. Canon Sierra Reyes and Canon Stephanie Martin Taylor

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this weekend's Sacred Ground Regional Gathering! Sacred Ground is a small group study and discussion series provided by The Episcopal Church as part of its long-term commitment to racial healing.

On Saturday, Sacred Ground participants and facilitators from our diocese and beyond spent a full day at Epiphany, San Carlos. They shared stories, met with The Episcopal Church's Sacred Ground leadership team, participated in breakout workshops, and worshiped as a Sacred Ground community.

The gathering continued on Sunday with a worship service at St. Paul's, Oakland, where the Rev. Canon Sierra Reyes, DioCall's Canon to the Ordinary, delivered the sermon. Information about the Sacred Ground program is available at this link.

Pantry Volunteers Needed!

St. Francis Pantry is in need of volunteers for the month of January. We are currently shorthanded and we could use your help! The operating hours are Wednesday 1-3 pm and Sunday 12-2 pm. We ask that volunteers arrive 30 minutes early to set up. If you are interested in this rewarding opportunity, please reach out to Nova ( and Michele ( Thank you!

St. Francis Pantry Innovations

The St. Francis Community Pantry Committee is continuously coming up with innovative ideas.

ExtraFoods - One of our latest exciting additions is the offering of fresh produce and other foods by means of a free service called ExtraFoods ( They have been delivering food on Fridays and the change has been a big hit with our Pantry patrons.  The beauty of it is that we are now providing fresher and healthier foods to our patrons.  

Pantry Sunday - We recently decided to discontinue the donation offering "Pantry Sunday", but will be regularly reminding you of ways to make donations and provide you with any needs that the Pantry may have. 

Online Giving - Please use this link that leads directly to our new online platform. Donate to the Pantry Online!

Other ways to donate - There is a donation box on the Narthex entry table where you can drop some dollars. Or add your cash or check to an offering envelope marked "PANTRY" and add to the offering plate during the service. 

Thank you!
-Evelyn Ellis 

Pantry Donations Needed

Our Community Pantry Clothing Rack could use your help! 

Our Pantry Patrons are in need of cold weather clothing and we are looking for lightly used men's and women's coats, jackets, wraps, hats, socks, etc. 
We are also in need of paper, plastic, and cloth shopping bags! We have been running out every week.

If you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Ellis at or Michele Sheehan

Thank you for your support!

Please visit for additional information and donation ideas.  


St. Francis Preschool


Will your child be 4 years old by September 2, 2025? Francis Preschool will be hosting an informative evening about their Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program.
This will be a great opportunity to:

  • Meet Mrs. Vorhies, their TK teacher
  • Explore the classroom environment
  • Learn about the exciting, hands-on learning experiences they offer

Families must RSVP- to do so, you can email their enrollment coordinator, Mrs. Young, at 

Preschool Tours


Enrollment season is about to begin for St. Francis Preschool, and they will be hosting afternoon tours to accommodate families with busier daily schedules. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about their approach to early education and the outstanding programs offered. Tours will be held on Wednesday, January 29th and Thursday, February 6th. To reserve your spot, RSVP by emailing their Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs. Young, at

If you’re unable to attend one of the group tours, feel free to contact them at 415-892-2597 or via email to schedule a private tour on another day.

Community Cooking Class

Join Michelle Whiteside, who hosted our first annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, for her class that will inspire trying new things! Click the link below to sign up- the deadline is February 20!
Sign Up Here!