
Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, a theologically progressive and inclusive Christ-centered community of faith.

St. Francis is known for its welcome and hospitality of the young, old, and the young at heart. We are a community of compassion and acceptance with a commitment to exploring and deepening our faith. Inspired by our patron saint, Francis, we have a hunger for justice and peace in the world.

St. Francis, an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California, is nestled beneath a breathtaking canopy of oaks in downtown Novato, in Northern Marin County.

Our Sunday morning service draws on the ancient and modern practices of the Episcopal Church.


St. Clare's, our outdoor chapel, is always open for prayer and meditation.


If you prefer walking meditation, our outdoor labyrinth is the place to still your soul.


Readings for January 19 - The Second Sunday After the Epiphany

We will be worshipping the Second Sunday After the Epiphany at 10:00 AM with the service being led by the Rev. Scot Sherman. 
This Sunday, the Readings will be:

Complete Readings Found Here

This Sunday's Bulletin Found Here

Notes on this week's Bible Readings

This Bible study is part of a series produced by the Office of Global Partnerships of The Episcopal Church.

Isaiah 62:1-5

This text reaffirms the perceptive promises of the last chapter and the mission which aims to restore Zion’s destiny. There is, on the part of the people, a feeling that God has abandoned them but the prophet is insisting that God will not be silent. He also reminds the people of the change of their name, which means a change of fortune and a change of order. This name goes beyond human imagination and, like the new heaven and the new earth, depends upon the appointment of the Creator.

Today, as we face the harsh realities of wars, conflicts, exclusions, and discrimination, we may tend to think that God is not anymore present with us. This season of Epiphany reminds us that, from the dawn of creation, God has never been silent, revealing himself and realizing his promises through our Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is above all names. Jesus is the one who brings us to the fulfillment of life with God. He comes anew in every suffering we face, as God kept coming back to the people of Israel.

The prophet also prophesied that Jerusalem would become a place of beauty in the hands of God and for us, followers of Christ, the beauty of God is seen in Christ, the Crown of all creation. These notions challenge us to renew our faith and to share with those who are yet to know about them, that there is a new order in Christ.

  • Why is the prophecy of Isaiah relevant to us who live in a post-modern era?
  • Why is it important for us to be prophets of our time?

Psalm 36:5-10

This psalm exalts divine love in the temple and conveys rich and wise counsel to believers. It enlightens our thoughts on flatterers who conceal evil intentions through their words. 

This piece of poetry is for a God-fearing person who invokes judgment on those perceived as the enemies of God. Those who have no fear of God plot in their thoughts and through their tongues; they make false statements and by their deeds they destroy.

In parallel, the loving mercy of God is proclaimed. It has no boundaries and is expressed in two images that describe divine love and mercy: “the strong mountains” and “the great deep.”

As we meditate over the words and images described in this psalm, we can feel the immensity and overwhelming power of a loving and caring God. With the reassuring words of the Psalmist who puts his trust in the steadfast love of God, we can “take refuge under the shadow” of a merciful God. 

So, as we daily face the challenges of flattering words, let us cultivate an upright heart that will win for us the salvation that God in Christ offers us.

  • Have you ever been deceived by those whom you thought had good intentions toward you? To whom did you turn to as you faced this harsh reality?
  • Have you ever tasted of God’s loving mercy in your quest for his sanctifying presence? Give some examples.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

I wish to lay emphasis on one part of this text which refers to the unity of the Church. Being the Body of Christ, the Church is called to allow every part of it to play its role so that it can bear true witness to the love of God as revealed in Christ. There is no place for uniformity in the Church, as within it people are bestowed with different gifts and have different tasks to attend to. The gift is offered by the Holy Spirit and is designed for an interdependent life in unity and harmony which brings glory to God.

As all gifts come from God, each one is therefore invited to use his or her competence in the service of God. Unfortunately, we have an erroneous perception that the gifts we receive are limited to the spiritual or the academic realm. Thus, it would be important for us to acknowledge that no distinction is to be made regarding the gifts we freely receive. A person who is a worker in a skilled trade, for example, a carpenter, an electrician, a plumber, and others, should be encouraged to see that the talent he or she possesses comes from God.

The Church would then be enriched if all were given the opportunity to dedicate their skills to serve God and his people. This teaching of Paul also gives a detailed view of the gifts graciously offered to us; from it, we learn about the work and nature of the early Church. It informs us that, as members of the Body of Christ, we have to possess the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge. This means that we have to know the deep things about God and simultaneously apply them to our daily lives.

  • Do we have a full understanding of how we could serve God and God’s people with the potential we have?
  • What is the distinction between wisdom and knowledge?

John 2:1-11

It is at the wedding at Cana that Jesus offers his disciples the first sign of the mystery of his person. By changing water into wine, he reveals the power of God, who transforms human reality by lifting it to a higher level. John, in his own style, presents the miracles of Jesus not to establish proof but to manifest his identity. It is an invitation to believe in Christ as the Son of God.

At the heart of our life experiences, we discover by taking a step back that Jesus, through his presence, illuminates our daily lives and through faith, transforms difficult situations into authentic joy. But it is surprising to see that those who were present did not follow Jesus after such a remarkable event.

In the Word of God, the miracle is above all a sign from God; to understand it, our hearts must be willing to welcome it. Jesus aims to awaken in us an active faith that allows us to proclaim a message of hope and love that can transform hearts and minds. As a sign of God’s Kingdom, Jesus teaches us that the time of preparation is over and that the Kingdom is here. We can encounter God through his Son.

  • This sign reminds us that God can unexpectedly enter the ordinary events of life. Would we take the opportunity of those moments to believe?
  • In the prophetic writings, wine was as a symbol of the joy of the messianic age. What do we learn from this sign accomplished by Jesus?

This Bible study was written by the Most Rev. Ian Ernest, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s personal representative to the Holy See and the director of the Anglican Centre in Rome.He has served as bishop of Mauritius (2001-2019) and primate of the Indian Ocean (2006-2017). In 1981, after his tertiary studies at the Madras Christian College in Chennai, India, he joined St. Paul’s Theological College in Mauritius as a seminarian. He then went to Birmingham, England, for further studies. He has been very involved in the Anglican Communion as the chairperson of the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (2007-2012), the secretary of the Global South (2012-2016), and a member of the Task Force of the Anglican Communion for Unity and Reconciliation (2016-2019).

The Baptism of Jake Marshall

This Sunday, January 19, we will be celebrating the baptism of Jake Marshall during our service. Please join us to witness this wonderful commitment of faith. A small gathering will take place in Block Hall after the service- join us for cake and refreshments!

Annual Parish Meeting - January 19th

Join us this Sunday, January 19 after church for our annual Parish meeting. Summary reports will be presented by the Vestry leadership and we will hopefully welcome some  new Vestry members.- please consider throwing your hat in the ring!  Being a part of the vestry is a crucial role in the success and growth of our beloved church. We will also be electing two deanery representatives (and one alternate) to be delegates to the Marin Deanery and for General Convention. We hope to see you there!

Request for Shopping Assistance

We have a nearby Community Member who needs help shopping each week. If you are interested/available to help out please contact Nova in the Church office.

Sacred Ground Regional Gathering

Please Join us for a Sacred Ground Regional Gathering

Episcopal Church of the Epiphany  
1839 Arroyo Ave, San Carlos, CA
Saturday, January 25th 2025 from 10:00am-5:00pm

Over the course of this special day, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect with others involved in Sacred Ground in your area
  • Worship together as a Sacred Ground community 
  • Hear inspiring Sacred Ground stories from across the region
  • Meet the national Sacred Ground leadership team
  • Participate in breakout workshops on engaging topics.

This event is free! Lunch and refreshments are included.
Register here: California Regional Gathering Registration - Formstack
Eucharist Together!
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
114 Montecito Ave, Oakland, CA
Sunday, January 26th 2025 at 10:00am
For those who are also available on Sunday, please join us at St. Paul’s for a special worship with this historic, vibrant congregation in the city of Oakland. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Canon J. Sierra Reyes, Canon to the Ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of California. 
We are grateful to the Rev. Dr. Marisa Tabizon Thompson, Rector, Episcopal Church of the Epiphany and the Rev. Dr. Mauricio J. Wilson, Rector of St. Paul’s, for welcoming us in fellowship and worship among their communities of faith. 

Please contact Michele Sheehan, the St. Francis Community Pantry Co-Volunteer Coordinator, if you are local and interested in attending.
(415) 259-8174

The Roof is Complete!

By the time you read this Stephen Curley Roofing Company will have completed the necessary replacement and repairs to both the Block Hall and the Church roof. These critical repairs will prevent any more issues with leaks during the rainy season. We are so grateful for our community members who donated to this cause!

Stewardship 2025

If you have completed your pledge card for 2025, please return it this Sunday. Please discern over the next few weeks what St. Francis means to you and what you can afford to contribute towards maintaining our work and ministry in the coming year. Every dollar helps and is greatly appreciated!

St. Francis Preschool

Will your child be 4 years old by September 2, 2025? Francis Preschool will be hosting an informative evening about their Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program.
This will be a great opportunity to:

  • Meet Mrs. Vorhies, their TK teacher
  • Explore the classroom environment
  • Learn about the exciting, hands-on learning experiences they offer

Families must RSVP- to do so, you can email their enrollment coordinator, Mrs. Young, at Myoung@stfrancispreschoolnovato.org 

Preschool Tours

Enrollment season is about to begin for St. Francis Preschool, and they will be hosting afternoon tours to accommodate families with busier daily schedules. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about their approach to early education and the outstanding programs offered. Tours will be held on Wednesday, January 29th and Thursday, February 6th. To reserve your spot, RSVP by emailing their Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs. Young, at Myoung@stfrancispreschoolnovato.org.

If you’re unable to attend one of the group tours, feel free to contact them at 415-892-2597 or via email to schedule a private tour on another day.

Pantry Volunteers Needed!

St. Francis Pantry is in need of volunteers for the month of January. We are currently shorthanded and we could use your help! The operating hours are Wednesday 1-3 pm and Sunday 12-2 pm. We ask that volunteers arrive 30 minutes early to set up. If you are interested in this rewarding opportunity, please reach out to Nova (Nova@StFrancisNovato.com) and Michele (MicheleKSheehan@gmail.com). Thank you!

St. Francis Pantry Innovations

The St. Francis Community Pantry Committee is continuously coming up with innovative ideas.

ExtraFoods - One of our latest exciting additions is the offering of fresh produce and other foods by means of a free service called ExtraFoods (https://extrafood.org/). They have been delivering food on Fridays and the change has been a big hit with our Pantry patrons.  The beauty of it is that we are now providing fresher and healthier foods to our patrons.  

Pantry Sunday - We recently decided to discontinue the donation offering "Pantry Sunday", but will be regularly reminding you of ways to make donations and provide you with any needs that the Pantry may have. 

Online Giving - Please use this link that leads directly to our new online platform. Donate to the Pantry Online!

Other ways to donate - There is a donation box on the Narthex entry table where you can drop some dollars. Or add your cash or check to an offering envelope marked "PANTRY" and add to the offering plate during the service. 

Thank you!
-Evelyn Ellis 

Pantry Donations Needed

Our Community Pantry Clothing Rack could use your help! 

Our Pantry Patrons are in need of cold weather clothing and we are looking for lightly used men's and women's coats, jackets, wraps, hats, socks, etc. 
We are also in need of paper, plastic, and cloth shopping bags! We have been running out every week.

If you have any questions, please contact Evelyn Ellis at evbuch@yahoo.com or Michele Sheehan micheleksheehan@gmail.com

Thank you for your support!

Please visit   https://stfrancisnovato.org/st_francis_community_pantry for additional information and donation ideas.  


Annual Parish Meeting
Regular Services


  • Sunday Worship
    – 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Contact Us

St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church

Verse of the Day
St. Francis Community Pantry

The St. Francis Community Pantry is currently open 2 days a week for serving patrons and accepting donations. 

  • Wednesdays 1:00 - 3:00 

  • Sundays      Noon - 2:00

See St. Francis Community Pantry for more details. 


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